Past Programs 2014


The Prince William Committee of 100 PRESENTS:

LICENSE PLATE SCANNING: Do You Care About Privacy Rights?

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2014 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Dinner: $25 members and $30 guests

Reservation not required if you are not joining us for dinner.

Contact Secretary to RSVP By Noon, Monday, November 17, 2014

Location :

Wyndham Garden Manassas

10800 Vandor Lane

Manassas VA 20109


Earnie Porta, Mayor (retired) Town of Occoquan BIO-PORTA

Members of the Panel:

Rich Anderson, 51st District Delegate, VA Assembly BIO-ANDERSON

Frank Knaack, Director,Public Policy and Communications, ACLU of VA BIO-KNAACK

Steve Hudson, Chief, PW County Police Department BIO-HUDSON

Doug Scott, Chief, Arlington County Police Department BIO-SCOTT

Committee of 100 Tracks License Plate Scanning Debate

11th Congressional District Candidate Meet and Greet

October 14, 2014

1st Congressional District Debate Sept 18, 2014

Photo courtesy Nancy Vehrs.

Recap article from Potomac Local here:

2014 District 1 Candidates' Forum ‏

September 18, 2014

Wyndham Garden, 10800 Vandor Lane, Manassas, Va 20109

Moderator Dr. Stephen Farnsworth

Congressman Rob Wittman (R)

Norman Mosher (D)

Gail Parker-(I) Green Party

Social 6:30 PM

Dinner 7:00 PM

Forum: 7:45 PM

* RESERVATIONS are required for dinner

$25 PWC-100 members

$30 non-members/guests

*To make a reservation, contact: secretarycommitteeof100@gmail.com

no later than NOON, Monday

Click on picture for bio


A series of cameo shots of the attendees of the 25th anniversary celebration

PWC 100 May 15 Program – Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Community

Keynote Speaker

Mark Segraves, WRC –NBC TV

Please view commendations for the PWC 100 from these organizations:

Senator Mark Warner

Congressman Gerry Connolly

The Prince William Board of County Supervisors

The Manassas City Council

The Manassas Park City Council

To see a retrospective of C100 Click Here

PWC 100 April 17 Program – Proffers in Prince William County – Proper, Punitive or Paltry?


Connie Moser, Prince William County award-winning community activist


Mark Granville-Smith - Developer, Classic Concept Builder

Martin Jeter - President, MIDCO

Chris Price - Director of Planning, Prince William County

Ralph Stephenson - Prince William Citizens for Balanced Growth

A video of the program.

PWC 100 March 20 Program – Should Prince William County Retire Its Revenue Sharing Agreement with County Schools?


David Kinsella, High School Special Education Teacher


Hon. Peter Candland, Board of County Supervisors, Gainesville District

Bill Golden, Political Policy Blog Editor, PWCPolitics.com

Milt Johns, Chairman, Prince William County School Board

Riley O'Casey, Vice President, Prince William Education Association; Middle School Civics & Economics Teacher

Due to technical difficulties, a video of this program is not available.

PWC100 February 20 Program – Does PWC Have Adequate Mental Health Care?


Rebecca Barnes, Publisher, Prince William Living


Robin Adams, MS, MBA, FABC, Director, Market Development, Sentara Healthcare [PPT]

Dr. Vik Khot, M.D., FAPA, DFAPA, Medical Director, Department of Behavioral Medicine, NovantHealth (formerly Prince William Hospital

Rita Romano, LCSW, Emergency Services Division Manager, Prince William County [PPT]

Stacie York, Vice President, US HealthVest [PPT]

Video of this program.

PWC 100 January 8, 2014 Program -- Can You Rest in Peace in Prince William County?


Charlie Grymes, Chairman, Prince William Conservation Alliance


Julie Langan, Acting Director and State Historic Preservation Officer, Virginia Department of Historic Resources

Joanna Wilson Green, Archaeology Stewardship and Easements, Office of Preservation Incentives, Virginia Department of Historic Resources

Martin Nohe, Coles District Supervisor, Prince William County

Dr. Bill Olson, President, Historic Prince William, Member, Prince William County Historic Commission and Cemetery Committee Chairman

Don Wilson, Director of RELIC (Ruth E. Lloyd Information Center), Bull Run Regional Library

Video of this program.