February 23, 2016
Can PWC protect itself from an EMP event? Is there a plan, state or local? Who is responsible for recovery from outages?
The 2004 Report of the National Commission to Assess the Threat to the US from an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack stated that an adversary does not need
to be highly sophisticated to be able to launch an EMP attack, but an EMP attack can cause significant damage to critical infrastructure.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Social 6:30
Dinner 7:00 P.M.
Program 7:45 P.M.
Wyndham Garden Hotel
10800 Vandor Lane
Manassas, VA
(Intersection Rt. 66 and Bus. 234, Manassas)
Jonathan L. Way, Vice-Mayor
City of Manassas
Mr. Patrick M. Collins
Emergency Services Manager
Prince William County Office of Emergency Management
Peter R. Huessy
Senior Defense Consultant
Air Force Association
Mr. Charles Manto
CEO, Instant Access Networks, LLC
Founder, Leader, InfraGard National's Electromagnetic Pulse Special Interest Group
David W. Roop
Director, Electric Transmission Operations
Dominion Power
How will Prince William County site future schools?
The Challenges Ahead
Should we re-purpose buildings or county-owned land such as parks or golf-courses?
How does Prince William County school site selection compare with other jurisdictions?
Is there a sweet spot where we can achieve the goal and create a win-win situation?
Mr. Tom Burrell
Planning Commissioner
Mr. Dave Cline Mr. Gil Trenum,
Associate Superintendent for Finance and Support Services, Brentsville District Representative,
Prince William County Schools Prince William County School Board
Mr. Martin Jeter Mr. Jeff Platenburg
President, Assistant Superintendent Facilities and Transportation,
Mid-County Civic Association (MIDCO) Fairfax County Public Schools
City of Fairfax
Chairman, LOCCA-PELT
Seated from left to right: Gil Trenum, Brentsville District Representative,
Prince William County School Board,
Mr. Jeff Platenburg, Assistant Superintendent Facilities and Transportation, Fairfax County Public Schools,
Mr. Martin Jeter, President,
Mid-County Civic Association (MIDCO),
Mr. Dave Cline, Associate Superintendent for Finance and Support Services, Prince William County Schools,
and at the podium, Moderator, Mr. Tom Burrell, Planning Commissioner, City of Fairfax Chairman, LOCCA-PELT
How did the County Board of Elections implement the Bipartisan Commission on Election Process’s recommendations?
There were many problems addressed, such as long lines and a lack of efficiency. The Prince William Committee of 100 presents an expert panel to discuss topics including the optimal point for maximizing access while preserving integrity, ID requirements, closing voter registration before an election (currently 30 days) and expansion of the criteria for absentee ballots and use of electronic means.
April 21, 2016 Montclair Country Club 16500 Edgewood Drive Montclair, VA 22025
Social time - 6:30 PM Dinner - 7:00 PM Program - 7:45 PM
Dinner $25 for PWC100 members, $30 for nonmembers
No Charge for Attending the Program
RSPV by April 19 @noon to carol.proven01@gmail.com
Moderator: Stephen Farnsworth, Ph.D.
Professor of Political Science and
Director of the Center for Leadership and Media Studies
University of Mary Washington
Kimball Brace Keith A. Scarborough
President Secretary
Election Data Services, Inc. Prince William County Electoral Board
Hans A. von Spakovsky Michele L. White, VREO
Senior Legal Fellow and Manager Director of Elections/General Election Law Reform Initiative
The Heritage Foundation Prince William County Office of Elections Registrar
SCHOOL FUNDING: Everyone's talking about it so what's the best way to do it? What do the schools need for success and how do we measure that success?
Please join the Prince William Committee of 100 for our first forum of the 2016-2017 year and hear a timely discussion about our schools.
Come join us for dinner if you can and renew old acquaintances as well as your membership!
It's bound to be an exciting evening you won't want to miss!
Thursday, Sept 29, 2016 Social: 6:30 PM Dinner 7:00 PM Program 7:45 PM
Wyndam Garden
10800 Vandor Lane
Manassas, Va
Dr. Sam Hill, Provost
Northern Virginia Community College Woodbridge
Ruth Anderson, Supervisor
Prince William County Board of Supervisors
David S. Cline
Associate Superintendent for Finance and
Support Services
Prince William County School Board
Lillie Jessie, Board Member
Prince William County School Board
Riley O'Casey, President
Prince William Education Association
If you were unable to join us on Oct. 12, Here is the debate in two parts: 1st District Debate - Virginia - Election 2016 - Part 1 & 2
Our sincere thanks to Bill Golden for video
DISCLAIMER: This video produced by PWRCA / PWCPolitics.com, and is unaffiliated with, nor endorsed by, either the PWC100 or LWV. A full version of this video is available on the PWC C100 website at PWC100.org
This video may be freely distributed. Permission not required as long as the video is not altered.
Wednesday November 16, 2016
Montclair Country Club
16500 Edgewood Dr, Montclair, VA 22025
Social: 6:30 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM Program 7:45 PM
Mental health issues are pervasive within the criminal justice system, and how the mentally ill are treated within that system is at the forefront of criminal justice reform nationwide. Please join the Prince William Committee of 100 for a forum on the subject on November 16th, with a focus on state and local issues and reforms. A wide range of panelists will discuss the topic on local, state, and national levels, with varying perspectives from legislators, judges, criminal justice professionals, and mental health providers. This promises to be an informative and eye-opening forum on perhaps the most significant issue in criminal justice today.
Delegate David B. Albo, Chairman, Va. House Courts of Justice Committee
Steve Austin, Director of the Office of Criminal Justice Services
William E. Jarvis, Chief Judge of the PWC General District Court
Rita M. Romano, Emergency Services Division Manager, Prince William County Community Services
Sharon Pandak, Partner, Greehan,Taves & Pandak PLLC
Members and Public Invited
RSVP:Carol Proven: carol.proven01@gmail.com
Please note: An RSVP is requested from everyone for planning purposes only. There is no charge for the program. Dinner is $25.00/person for members, $30 for non-members.
Enjoy the holidays with us as a guest ($30.00) or free to members
Join the Committee of 100 on or before the day of the party, as yearly membership dues are only $30. To join: www.pwc100.org
Heavy appetizers, desserts and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided A cash bar will be available
RSVP by December 9 to: Secretary Carol Proven: