Register to JOIN or RENEW for 2024-25 program year.

Become a member for early access to programs:

- an invitation-only Meet & Greet event this winter holiday season

- 6 timely-topic themed dinner events featuring presentations by invited guests, and

- our renowned political candidate forums that take place prior to elections.  

PWC100 welcomes members from all walks of life, cultures, beliefs and political persuasions. Together, we develop balanced, nonpartisan programs to investigate and educate the public about topics of interest in Manassas, Manassas Park and Prince William County.

Standard Membership Dues
Price: $40

Membership matters! Join us to contribute ideas, perspectives and talents as a PWC100 member. Dues cover the program year, October 1 through September 30. (Membership dues paid on or after April 1 will extend membership through the next program year that begins October 1st)

V.I.P. Membership Dues
Price: $250

Convenience! VIP membership includes meals served at program dinner meetings. Dues cover the program year, October 1 through September 30. V.I.P. Membership is available through 12/31.  (Membership dues paid on or after April 1 will extend membership through the next program year that begins October 1st)

Register Today, Mail-in Dues

Register today for free. Your membership will be placed on hold until payment of dues is received. Mail a copy of your registration ticket with $40 for standard member dues or $250 for V.I.P. member dues to:

Prince William C100, P.O. Box 1415, Manassas, VA 20108-1415

To update or remove your membership directory information, email the Membership Team at .